Thursday, May 14, 2009

To All My Fans
well the end is almost near,only 3 days to go till I run the half marathon. Thank You all for your love and support.Thanks to everyone who has donated to the YMCA Strong Kids.I look forward to doing this all over again next year, as long as I am still alive on the 18th.
Thanks again,

Monday, May 4, 2009

just ran today, and I realize that I hate running, no I don't I love it, no I hate it, no I love it,hate it ,love it,hate it, love it, hate it, love it.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I just want to send out a big hello to all my adoring fans.Sorry it has been so long since I have posted my progress. I have been busy looking around the city for a surrogate runner.Guess I better start running.
Talk to you soon.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Just want to say sorry to all of my loyal fans, it has been awhile since I posted my progress.Everything is going great!I'm not running a whole lot but I am thinking about it and people have always told me it is the thought that counts.Please feel free to pledge me online or come by the YMCA sometime. All the money raised is going to the YMCA strong kids campaign.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Pledge me here

Please follow this link to sponser me in my fundraising efforts. Every dollar counts so you can make a secure on-line donation directly me at

I look forward to updating you all as I continue my training.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

hi everyone.
Just wanted to let you know that i made it up and down stairs today pain free, so i am ready to run another 6-7 miles tomorrow.I'll keep you all posted on friday but i am feeling pretty good this time.I want to let all my fans know I am being interviewed tomorrow (thursday) morning at 9:30 on 96.5 kool fm, hope you all will tune in.Keep the pledges coming!Thanks to everyone who has pledge so far.I won't let you down.

Monday, March 23, 2009

i just want everyone to know that i have decided to run a half a marathon on may 17.I started my training on thursday march 19, 2009. I decided to start slow only running 6 out of 13.1 miles but i haven't been able to go up and down stairs since.I'll keep everyone posted.Oh my poor quads!